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The period of 6 weeks after giving birth is called the postpartum period, this is when a woman’s body is quite weak, adding to the disturbances because she has to take care of the newborn, leading to infection. With listing of postpartum illness Dangers postpartum women need to pay close attention to below, couples will grasp the diseases collectively known as postpartum diseases to take care of pregnant women’s health, prevent and treat postpartum diseases effectively. most effective, avoid bad complications. Couples, let’s go to to learn about postpartum diseases.

Lower abdominal pain

Dangerous postpartum diseases that women need to pay close attention to after giving birth

After giving birth, the uterus shrinks to just like a grapefruit, the bottom of the uterus is palpable at the navel. Only a week later, it was half recovered, and another week after that, the uterus was no longer palpable on the abdomen. Pregnant women usually do not feel pain. If you feel pain, see if there is an infection. Specifically, infection in the uterus, appendicitis, appendicitis, and colitis can all cause lower abdominal pain.

When you see slow uterine contractions, foul discharge and fever, you must think of endometriosis (mucosa) and consider if there is a residual placenta? Uterine inflammation, if left for a long time, is very dangerous because it turns into a severe form very quickly.

Postpartum fever

Dangerous postpartum diseases that women need to pay close attention to after giving birth

Many women after giving birth 2-3 days after giving birth may have a fever above 38 degrees Celsius or vice versa, have a continuous cold. This condition is usually caused by an infection in the uterus that leads to a fever. If not treated in time, the disease can progress seriously, make the whole body worse, can even lead to blood infection. When having a fever, pregnant women should not abuse fever-reducing drugs, but should go to the hospital to check.

Methods to prevent this situation: when handling mucus, pay attention to hygiene, and pay attention to keeping the outside of the genital area clean. After giving birth, the mother needs to lie on the bed to rest and keep warm. In addition, it is necessary to properly absorb nutrients to ensure a healthy body state.

Pain in the perineum area

The perineum is often traumatized and is also prone to widening during preterm birth, large fetal head, or low perineal dilation. This area concentrates a lot of blood, so it is easy to heal. In the first few days, pregnant women also feel discomfort and difficulty moving and walking.

The perineum is very susceptible to bacterial infections. When you feel pain, stinging, itching, edema and sometimes pus, you must immediately report to the doctor for early suture removal, washing with local antiseptic (polividine) and a clean bandage. If the infection is extensive or severe, you should go to the hospital immediately.

Pain and swelling in the pelvic area

You will likely experience unpleasant sensations such as pain and swelling in the perineum, which is caused by the expansion in this area during labor.

If the pain persists and makes you uncomfortable, you should seek the help of a specialist, prescribe you pain relievers.

Milk engorgement and blocked milk ducts

A few days after giving birth, the breasts are enlarged because of full milk production. The breast is hot, heavy, hard, sometimes tight. This is a normal phenomenon. Breastfeeding immediately, the above phenomena will go away. If for some reason the baby cannot suckle, it is necessary to express milk or feed another baby (direct feeding).

If the milk in the breast cannot come out due to blocked milk ducts, inflammation of the nipple or nipple fissure, it will quickly become infected with bacteria, leading to inflammation of the milk ducts, inflammation of the milk ducts and eventually breast abscess. .

To avoid breast abscess, it is important to treat blocked milk ducts as soon as possible, so that milk does not stagnate in the breast. Pumping with a pump is less effective, because it is easy to cause swelling around the milk ducts in the nipple. Applying heat, massaging, asking a stronger, older baby to suckle right from the start is the best solution. If there is redness in an area on the breast, hot compresses and milking are the most appropriate measures.

In case of nipple scratches or cracks, the nipple should be moistened with glycerin, synthetic corticosteroid ointment or mystatin. You should express milk because if you let the baby suckle, it will be very painful for the mother. Do not wash your breasts with soap and do not apply alcohol.

“Chicken neck cracking” disease

Dangerous postpartum diseases that women need to pay close attention to after giving birth

The disease “chicken neck” is common in nursing mothers. The main cause of this disease is improper breastfeeding. Instead of letting the baby suckle all of the areola, the mother only gives the baby a superficial sucking on the nipple. Therefore, each time the baby suckles, the nipple is pulled, tugged, for a long time causing the phenomenon of “chicken neck cracking”. The initial manifestation of the disease is the appearance of one or two small cracks, then redness, pain, even infection, festering. If not treated in time, cracks will spread around the base of the nipple, causing pain for the mother and unhygienic for the baby. Prevent this disease by breastfeeding properly. Pull the baby towards your chest, stimulate by tickling the baby’s lower lip with the nipple so that the baby opens his mouth wide as if yawning, at this time the mother must pull the baby quickly towards the breast. The baby’s mouth is wide open to cover the entire areola and nipple.


During pregnancy, if a woman has hemorrhoids, the condition will usually get worse after childbirth. Because when giving birth, you have to use a lot of force to push, so the disease is more serious.

Hemorrhoids are often red and swollen after giving birth 2-3 weeks, very painful, because of fear of pain, they also stop defecating, leading to constipation, making hemorrhoids worse, forming a malignant circulation. In addition to treatment with drugs and soft ointments, pregnant women must also pay attention to eating, not to become constipated and should not leave bed early.

Urinary disorders

This problem is rare, but if it does, it is very dangerous. There are 2 types of disorders:

Urinary retention: The woman is unable to urinate because the anterior vaginal wall is changed, or the trauma causes the urethra to flex or the bladder neck muscle to close tightly. The mother has urinary retention, the lower abdomen is enlarged, and the pain is caused by a full and distended bladder.

Bleeding urine: There are 2 reasons:

  • Vaginal bladder fistula: due to tearing of the anterior vaginal wall after using a fork or suction cup to pull the fetus out. Had to surgically suture the fistula.
  • Due to bladder neck injury, the sphincter in the bladder neck does not work well after birth. This damage is usually temporary and does not last long. Treatment is not complicated.

Late postpartum hemorrhage

This is unusual if bleeding occurs again on the second, third, or later day after birth. The main cause is in the area where the placenta attaches to the cervix poorly, or because the placenta is left behind. This case must be reported to the doctor immediately to be given strong uterine contractions and uterine massage to stop bleeding.

Headache, heavy head

After giving birth, people with anemia, high blood pressure, people who use surgical anesthetics, and people who work too hard can lead to headaches or heavy headaches. With enough sleep, symptoms can be alleviated. If you experience severe pain, consult a doctor.

Mastitis – mastitis

Emulsitis is the process of stagnation, stagnation of milk and acute pus formation. The disease often arises during lactation with symptoms of hot, swollen breasts, fever, body pain. The main cause of this disease is also because improperly breastfed babies scratch the skin around the nipples and lead to inflammation of the milk glands. In addition, there are a number of other causes such as not pumping the breast evenly to clear milk ducts right after birth; not cleaning the nipples and expressing excess milk when the baby is not fully fed (stagnation causes rancidity, blockage and breast cancer); Unrelaxed spirit can cause anxiety, affect the function of the spleen, stagnation of milk, fire, and mammary gland …

Uterine prolapse disease

Dangerous postpartum diseases that women need to pay close attention to after giving birth

Uterine prolapse is when the uterus is in a normal position along the vagina, down to the pelvic floor bone, and even in some cases it drops out of the pelvis. This is a common disease in women after giving birth, especially women who do not abstain and often do heavy labor after giving birth. The main cause of uterine prolapse in pregnant women is heavy labor too soon after giving birth. One month after giving birth, the uterus is still large and heavy, while the supporting muscles and ligaments in the perineum are still soft and have not recovered from pregnancy. This makes the uterus more prone to prolapse. It can also be due to systemic weakness, but it is rare. Women who have had multiple births have a higher risk of prolapse.

In some cases, the position of the uterus changes, including the uterus descending or shifting to the left, right, or behind the pelvis. The cause of this disease is that after giving birth, the woman is sedentary, lying on her back for too long, sitting for a long time, or having a habit of lying on her side.

Vaginal bleeding

After giving birth, within the first 4 weeks you will see vaginal bleeding similar to the normal “menstrual” phenomenon.

Initially the blood will be profuse and red-black, accompanied by small blood clots, this phenomenon will last for 3-6 days.

Then the bleeding will be less and the color of the blood will be brighter. By the second week after birth, the bleeding will be much less and the color of the blood will change from pink to brown or yellow.

In the first period after giving birth, you should avoid vigorous exercise, but instead take time to rest and take care of your baby or gently massage the abdomen to reduce bleeding.

And in case you see that the amount of bleeding does not show any signs of improvement, accompanied by a feeling of abdominal pain or fever, you should quickly go to the hospital before it is too late, because this is a sign of very dangerous bleeding.

Numb limbs

After giving birth, the pregnant woman may experience swelling or frequent fatigue, sometimes there are symptoms of numbness in the limbs, fatigue in the hands and feet, heavy legs, etc. These symptoms gradually disappear along with the recovery of the body.

Muscle stiffness and pain

Having to carry a large belly and have to spend a lot of energy during childbirth, women may experience muscle pain after giving birth. During confinement, too much activity is also one of the causes of back pain. After about a week, it can be reduced, if it persists, you should consult a doctor.

Psychosis – postpartum depression

Dangerous postpartum diseases that women need to pay close attention to after giving birth

Postpartum depression is a common depression and sadness in women after giving birth because they can’t cope with the changes in their bodies and activities.

Postpartum psychosis is similar to postpartum depression (baby blues), but the feelings of sadness and depression last for more than 2 weeks and are more severe.

Symptoms of postpartum psychosis are: waking up early in the morning, insomnia, increased or decreased appetite, crying, lack of energy, persistent exhaustion, loss of sexual interest, separation from friends and family, in some cases easily irritable or overly concerned with body shape, obsessively worried about the death of the child… The most serious is the mother having a paranoid thought that the child was not born, or has never been born. now exist and do not conform to the reported gender… leading to child murder and regret, mental crisis.

In order to have good health, raise children to grow up, and get along with husband and wife, it is very important to pay attention to postpartum diseases. Postpartum disease can be a physical disease, it can also be a psychological disease, which greatly affects the couple’s relationship, so couples should pay close attention to this issue. wishes you always healthy.

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